When you really trample on your own self and live for others you will become a good instrument in God's hands. He called ‑‑ and is calling ‑‑ his disciples, commanding them ut eatis! ‑‑ ``Go and seek all men.'' (The Forge, 915)
In modico fidelis! ‑‑ faithful in little things. My son, your job is not just to save souls but to bring them to holiness, day after day, giving to each moment ‑‑ even to apparently ordinary moments ‑‑ the dynamic echo of eternity. (The Forge, 917)
Just as all the powerful machinery in dozens of factories is brought to a standstill and rendered useless when the electricity fails, so does apostolate cease to bear fruit when prayer and mortification fail, for they are what move the Sacred Heart of Christ. (The Forge, 919)