Number of articles: 127

Letter from the Prelate (April 2012)

In the context of Holy Week, the hundredth anniversary of St. Josemaría's First Holy Communion, on April 23, leads the Prelate to reflect on the meaning of the Eucharist.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (March 2012)

This month's letter focuses on "one of the traditional spiritual works of mercy that St. Josemaría taught us to value and that the Holy Father highlights: the practice of fraternal correction."

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (February 2012)

"Charity and humility are closely united; and their mature fruit is unity." The Prelate focuses on the topic of unity in his letter this month.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (January 2012)

The Prelate asks us to give thanks to God for all the gifts we have received during the past year, including "the spiritual fruit of work offered to God and carried out with a spirit of service to souls."

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (December 2011)

Citing words of Benedict XVI, the Prelate urges us to prepare very well for Christmas, when, with the incarnation and birth of the Word, “the infinite distance between God and man is overcome."

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (November 2011)

"With our prayer and mortification, we can reach the furthest corner of the planet," helping souls to come to know Christ, the Prelate assures us in his letter this month.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Pastoral Letter on New Evangelization (October 2, 2011)

On the anniversary of Opus Dei's founding, the Prelate has written an extensive pastoral letter on the importance of formation for the spiritual life and the new evangelization.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (October 2011)

Reflecting on a new anniversary of the founding of Opus Dei, the Prelate speaks about the gratitude that filled the heart of St. Josemaría on October 2nd, 1928, feast of the Holy Guardian Angels.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (September 2011)

The Prelate focuses this month on the figure of Abraham, who "came to know God so well over time that Holy Scripture, when giving his eulogy, says he was a 'friend of God.'"

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (August 2011)

Writing from Africa, the Prelate asks us to assist the apostolic work all over the world by our prayer and sacrifice, and to pray especially for the upcoming World Youth Day in Madrid.

Pastoral Letters and Messages