Number of articles: 473

Message for 2013 World Day of Peace

"How could one claim to bring about peace...without defending the life of those who are weakest, beginning with the unborn?" Benedict XVI asks, while also stressing the need to defend marriage based on the natural law.

From the Church and the Pope

"They are thirsting for God"

On December 9, at the Opening Mass of the International Congress on the Church in America, Benedict XVI entrusted the new evangelization to the intercession of our Lady of Guadalupe.

From the Church and the Pope

Benedict XVI Begins Year of Faith

On October 11, in St. Peter's square, Benedict XVI opened the Year of Faith, on the 50th anniversary of Vatican II. With the Pope's homily from the Mass and video.

From the Church and the Pope

Year of Faith: "Porta Fidei"

Benedict XVI's Apostolic Letter "Porta Fidei" convoking a Year of Faith that will begin on October 11, 2012 and end on November 24, 2013, feast of Christ the King.

From the Church and the Pope

"Heaven has a heart"

A homily given by Benedict XVI on August 15, 2005, on the role our Lady should have in each Christian's life.

From the Church and the Pope

Benedict XVI's Message in Cuba

The Pope's opening address, calling for the "rebirth" of Cuban society. With Rome Reports video of papal Mass and gift of a golden rose to Our Lady of Charity, "true mother of the Cuban people."

From the Church and the Pope

"Large families are a witness to faith"

Addressing the crowd after his general audience on February 15, Benedict XVI said that "large families are a witness to faith, and a source of wealth and hope for the entire country."

From the Church and the Pope

Address of Benedict XVI at Ecumenical Prayer Service

“Grant that we may all be one, as you are one with the Father”: Did Jesus’ prayer go unheard? The history of Christianity is in some sense the visible element of this drama in which Christ strives and suffers with us human beings. Ever anew he must endure the rejection of unity, yet ever anew unity takes place with him and thus with the triune God. Adress of Benedict XVI during the Apostolic Journey to Germany, on 2011 during an ECUMENICAL PRAYER SERVICE

From the Church and the Pope

The Pope's "Three Wishes" for Christmas

On December 7, Benedict XVI lit the world's largest Christmas tree, and expressed "three wishes" for this Christmas. With link to homily at Midnight Mass in St. Peter's

From the Church and the Pope

Benedict XVI: "Love the Word of God"

In an apostolic exhortation on the Word of God with conclusions from the 2008 Synod, the Pope points, among other saints, to St. Josemaría as "a ray of light streaming forth from the word of God."

From the Church and the Pope