Laura Busca Otaegui (called “Laurita” by those who knew her well) was born on November 3, 1912 in Zumárraga, in the Basque region of Spain. In 1935, she obtained a degree in pharmacology at the Central University in Madrid. That same year she met her future husband, Eduardo Ortiz de Landazuri. After they both lived through the civil war years in Spain, they were married on June 17, 1941, at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Arantzazu. Their marriage was a fruitful one, with seven children.
A warm-hearted and understanding person, she sought holiness in the midst of her daily work as the mother of a large family. She asked for admission to Opus Dei on January 8, 1953. Following the advice of Saint Josemaria Escriva, Laura and her husband Eduardo strove to make their family a “bright and cheerful home.” Her life was marked by an extraordinary self-giving in caring for her husband and children, and for many other people, drawing strength from her deep piety and love for God.
From the 50’s on she suffered from a painful back ailment, which she bore with fortitude and joyful acceptance of God’s will.
On December 11, 1998, she had the joy of being present, in Pamplona, at the opening of the diocesan Process on the virtues of her husband Eduardo, and soon after was given the opportunity to offer testimony in the Process. After a painful illness borne with extraordinary Christian fortitude, she died in Pamplona, with a reputation for holiness, on October 11, 2000.