Number of articles: 4704

Meditations: Sunday of the Tenth Week of Ordinary Time (Year B)

Some reflections that can assist our prayer during the tenth week of Ordinary Time. The topics are: sin distances us from God and others; “low-cost” offers of happiness; the unforgivable sin.

Fostering Interior Life

Meditations: Immaculate Heart of Mary

Some reflections that can assist our prayer on this feast of Mary's Immaculate Heart, celebrated on the day after the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Fostering Interior Life

Meditations: Saturday of the Ninth Week of Ordinary Time

Some reflections that can assist our prayer during the ninth week of Ordinary Time.

Fostering Interior Life

Resources for the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Texts to help live the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, celebrated this Friday, 7 June.

From the Church and the Pope

Meditations: Sacred Heart of Jesus

Some reflections that can enrich our prayer on the feast of the Most Sacred Heart of our Lord.

Fostering Interior Life

Meditations: Friday of the Ninth Week of Ordinary Time

Some reflections that can assist our prayer during the ninth week of Ordinary Time.

Fostering Interior Life

Meditations: Thursday of the Ninth Week of Ordinary Time

Some reflections that can assist our prayer during the ninth week of Ordinary Time.

Fostering Interior Life

Combat, Closeness, Mission (3): Everything is Ours and Everything is God’s

Any sport requires effort, but it brings enjoyment and opens up new possibilities. So it is with the Christian life: in the midst of combat and struggle, we can enjoy being with the Lord, growing and facing new challenges with Him.

Fostering Interior Life

Youth: A Space for Young People on the Opus Dei Website

Opus Dei Youth is now live on with new content for young people who want to impact society and grow closer to God.

Recent News

Meditations: Wednesday of the Ninth Week of Ordinary Time

Some reflections that can assist our prayer during the ninth week of Ordinary Time.

Fostering Interior Life