If you feel for whatever reason that you cannot manage to go on, abandon yourself in God, telling him: Lord, I trust in you, I abandon myself in you, but do help me in my weakness! And filled with confidence, repeat: See Jesus what a filthy rag I am. My life seems to me so miserable. I am not worthy to be a son of yours. Tell him all this ‑‑ and tell him so over and over again. It will not be long before you hear him say, Ne timeas! ‑‑do not be afraid; and also: Surge et ambula! ‑‑ rise up and walk! (The Forge, 287)
You were still rather hesitant when you were telling me: ``I am deeply aware of the occasions when the Lord is asking more of me.'' All I could think of was to remind you how you used to assure me that the only thing you wanted was to identify yourself with him. What's keeping you back? (The Forge, 288)
If only you could manage to fulfill that resolution you made: ``to die a little to myself each day.'' (The Forge, 289)