My old laptop started misbehaving

A recent favor attributed to the intercession of Venerable Isidoro Zorzano (13 September 1902 - 15 July 1943)

Read a short biography of Isidoro here

Earlier today my old laptop started misbehaving. A list of display options kept appearing and disappearing on my screen and preventing me from being able to write any commands. I switched the computer off and on again but the problem persisted. After lunch I prayed to Isidoro, and asked him to sort out the problem so that I could at least get a backup of all of my work of the last few months, which I feared I might never be able to retrieve. I switched the laptop on again and the problem had completely disappeared. I have been able to back up all of my work ... and the laptop is still now behaving perfectly.

WW, London
15 August 2022