Response to comments by Seymour Hersh
This statement was released by the communications office of Opus Dei in New York in response to press reports about a speech given by journalist Seymour Hersh.
Statement regarding Opus Dei, Saint Josemaria Escriva, and Roland Joffe's film "There Be Dragons"
The U.S. communications office of Opus Dei has received some media inquiries about the upcoming movie "There Be Dragons," directed by Roland Joffe. Opus Dei’s founder, Saint Josemaria Escriva, is one of the main characters in the film.
Statement from the Rome Press Office of the Prelature of Opus Dei
This statement responds to some inquiries about the nature of the Prelature occasioned by the Apostolic Constitution "Anglicanorum coetibus."
Saint Josemaría Escrivá and the Jewish people
A statement and documentation concerning false allegations that appear occasionally claiming that St. Josemaria was a ‘holocaust denier’, or in some degree sympathetic to Hitler.
International Conference in Rome for Church Communicators
Catholic Church communications officials from around the world will meet in Rome in April for a conference on how to spread the Church's message in an era of conflict and controversy.
Video interview: Opus Dei and The Da Vinci Code movie
We have been asked many questions about Opus Dei's attitude towards the forthcoming Sony film, 'The Da Vinci Code.' We offer an interview with US spokesperson Terri Carron.
Sony's Other Code
Press Release from the Communications Office of Opus Dei, Rome, on the screening of The Da Vinci Code. Has Sony followed its own corporate "Code of Conduct" concerning respect for religious belief?
Opus Dei and Corporal Mortification
The Da Vinci Code has drawn attention to the Catholic custom of corporal mortification. Rev. Michael Barrett, a priest of Opus Dei, answers questions.
Opus Dei New York Communications Office: Press Statement on The Da Vinci Code and Harambee
Statement on the occasion of the "Harambee Celebration" at the Dahesh Museum (580 Madison Avenue), May 15, 2006.
Video on Harambee (Low and high quality)
Harambee promotes educational programs and development projects in the sub-Saharan region of Africa and about Africa. This is a promotional video which can be freely previewed by everyone. Journalists may request the high quality version (DV format).