Number of articles: 310

Living the Holy Mass in Daily Life

The Prelate of Opus Dei was recently interviewed by the Italian weekly, "Famiglia Cristiana." Among the topics discussed were the Mass, faith, and today’s youth.

From the Prelate

Prelate's Audience with the Holy Father

On Monday, January 31, at 11.30 am, Benedict XVI received Bishop Javier Echevarría, Prelate of Opus Dei, in an audience. Some photos from the visit.

From the Prelate

Prelate’s Pilgrimage to Fatima and Galicia

In late November, Bishop Javier Echevarría made a quick visit to Fatima and Santiago de Compostela to present his petitions before our Lady and to gain the Jubilee Indulgence at the tomb of St. James.

From the Prelate

"Offer Them Consolation in Christ's Name"

On November 13, Bishop Javier Echevarría ordained 34 faithful of Opus Dei to the diaconate. They will receive priestly ordination in May. With homily from the Mass and names of those ordained.

From the Prelate

Prelate's Homily at the University of Navarra

At a Mass attended by 4,000 people, the Prelate stressed the close tie between our daily life and the Eucharist. St. Josemaria celebrated Mass on the same site in 1967 and gave a well-known homily.

From the Prelate

Prelate's Article in L'Osservatore Romano

Bishop Javier Echevarría has published an article on the front page of the August 21 edition of L'Osservatore Romano. Its title is "The Future of the Year for Priests."

From the Prelate

“Be Students who Seek to Serve”

As part of a two-week pastoral visit to South America, the Prelate recently had a get-together with 7,000 people at the University of Piura (Peru), a corporate apostolate of Opus Dei. He spoke about family, the Pope and university studies.

From the Prelate

El prelado del Opus Dei en Canarias

Del 5 al 9 de febrero, mons. Javier Echevarría ha realizado un viaje pastoral de tres días a las islas Canarias en el que ha mantenido numerosos encuentros con familias, fieles de la Prelatura y cooperadores.

From the Prelate

Viaje del Prelado a Kenia y Uganda

Mons. Javier Echevarría viajó recientemente a Kenia y Uganda. En estos países africanos mantuvo diversos encuentros con personas que participan en los medios de formación cristiana que ofrece el Opus Dei. Ofrecemos un relato de aquellos días.

From the Prelate

Prelate shares memories of June 26, 1975

Javi!, shouted St. Josemaria as he collapsed on the floor. Bishop Javier Echevarria witnessed his final moments. In this interview shown on Spanish television last Christmas, the Prelate recalls some details of June 26, 1975 (7:49).

From the Prelate