Number of articles: 310

Highlights of Prelate's visit to Slovakia

The Prelate of Opus Dei recently was in Bratislava (Slovakia) for a brief pastoral visit.

From the Prelate

Video of May 5 ordinations

A brief video with highlights of the recent ordinations in Rome of 35 priests by the Prelate of Opus Dei.

From the Prelate

“Happy Birthday, Holy Father!”

Monday, April 16th, is the 85th birthday of Benedict XVI. The Prelate of Opus Dei, Bishop Javier Echevarría, offers some words of congratulations.

From the Prelate

Prelate asks for testimonies regarding Dora del Hoyo's Cause of Canonization

On October 11, 2011, Bishop Javier Echevarría made public a document calling for those who knew the first numerary assistant in Opus Dei to make known any information relevant to opening her Cause of Canonization.

From the Prelate

Christmas with the Prelate

God who has become a Child loves us "with all the infinity of his love," Bishop Javier Echevarria said, speaking at the Christmas celebration in Rome.

From the Prelate

"John Paul II and Opus Dei"

October 22nd is now the liturgical feast of Blessed John Paul II. An interview with the Prelate of Opus Dei published in the Italian journal "Studi Cattolici" last April at the time of the beatification.

From the Prelate

How can I combine work with care for my family?

During his recent stay in the Congo, the Prelate visited the Monkole Medical Center, just outside Kinshasa. A woman on the housekeeping staff asked him an important question.

From the Prelate

World Youth Day: A New Damascus

An article by the Prelate published in the Spanish paper "Alfa y Omega." In just a few days young people from all around the globe will gather in Madrid to meet with Pope Bendict XVI.

From the Prelate

News from Ivory Coast

During his recent visit to the war-torn country, Bishop Javier Echevarría insisted: "Love one another more. Be concerned about all the men and women in Ivory Coast and pray for everyone.”

From the Prelate

John Paul II: Pilgrim Through the Whole World

Article by the Prelate of Opus Dei published in the "Catholic Herald" (UK). "People of every race and from every walk of life saw the face of the Risen Christ shining in him." Link to Vatican website tribute to John Paul II.

From the Prelate