WMF 2006 : Prayer of the Family

O God, through the example of the Holy Family, you have given us a perfect model of family life lived with faith and in obedience to your will. 

We give you thanks for our families. Grant us the strength to be always united in love, generously and joyfully living together as a family. 

We pray, Lord, that this World Meeting of Families would be an intense experience of faith and growth for our families.

Help us in our mission of transmitting the faith we have received from our parents. Open the hearts of our children so that the seed of faith they received at Baptism grows in them. Strengthen the faith of our youth so that they come to know Jesus better. And increase the love and faithfulness of all married couples, especially those who are who are suffering or facing difficulties.

Pour out your grace and blessings on all the families of the world, especially those preparing for this World Meeting of Families in Valencia. Bless also the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI. Grant him wisdom and strength, and grant us the joy to be able to receive him well in Valencia together with all the families of the world.

Together with St. Joseph and Mary, we make this prayer through Jesus Christ your Son, our Lord. Amen.

