I am a Palestinian Arab from Ramallah, a Lutheran Christian married to a Greek Orthodox. We live in Jerusalem. I was looking for a place where my children could learn the Christian faith and, with this aim, my son began to participate in the activities of a center for boys that Opus Dei has in Jerusalem. My daughter started to attend the girls' activities, and then I too started to take part in doctrinal classes and other activities for women. I wanted to be a Cooperator because I understood the need for formation in our community and also because I wanted to spread it among the people of our city, so that it could help them as much as it helps me. In the days of recollection I've found the strength to continue with my work. (I teach in a primary school where the problems of today's world are very much in evidence). I've also found the wisdom to reach positive solutions with my colleagues, along with the creativity to find the right approach with my students.
Hanada Nijim Noursi is a school teacher.