My Disbelief Has Turned Into Deep Seated Commitment

When she first heard the message of Opus Dei, she thought it an unattainable ideal. Today Ivy Phua is a member, and she says, “My disbelief has turned into a deep seated commitment that is still growing everyday.”

"To be a saint and to sanctify work in the middle of the world" – I gasped in awe when I first heard this at Opus Dei. I had always been a good, practicing Catholic but this seemed an unattainably lofty idea.

That thought has since changed as I journeyed with the friends met in the Work. The experience is indeed beautiful with the numerous doctrine classes and retreats that I attended. With each class, I know more about the Catholic faith and with each retreat, I love God more deeply!

Without a doubt, my disbelief has turned into a deep seated commitment that is still growing everyday. With faith, I am able to keep presence of God every waking moment.

Work takes up like eight or sometimes twelve hours of my day. In the past, I couldn't imagine how God could fit into that schedule of mine: He was present in my life only at bedtime or when I had the time.

But slowly and surely through prayer, keeping the presence of God during the day has become a reality. I began an arduous journey and remember the numerous occasions where I failed or forgot to give Him my time.

My friend in the Work, who is also a confidant, keeps telling me that prayer life is a gradual slope that one should try to ascend, not immediately, but ultimately. I am motivated even to this day!

Opus Dei has helped me be holy and purposeful. I have never felt closer to

God even in my moments of difficulty. With God in my life, I have the strength and courage to face up to the challenges at work and in my life.