Number of articles: 4778

Message of the Holy Father to UNIV

The Holy Father addressed the following words to those attending the UNIV conference in Rome.

Recent News

Jesus Has Overcome Death

The Prelate’s Easter Sunday reflections, broadcast on EWTN world radio

From the Prelate

Wednesday of Holy Week: Judas Betrays Jesus

The Prelate’s Reflections on Wednesday in Holy Week, broadcast on EWTN world radio

From the Prelate

Holy Saturday: A Day of Silence and Conversion

The Prelate’s Holy Saturday Reflections broadcast on EWTN world radio

From the Prelate

Tuesday of Holy Week: How is Our Faith?

The Prelate’s Reflections on Tuesday of Holy Week, broadcast on EWTN world radio

From the Prelate

The Prelate in Valladolid

The Prelate of Opus Dei, Bishop Javier Echevarría, met recently with a diverse group of people in the Spanish city of Valladolid.

From the Prelate

"The Eucharist played the decisive role in my conversion."

Rianne Spoon, a 22-year-old Dutch medical student, was received into the Church this past December 12 during a solemn Mass in the Cathedral of St. Catherine in Utrecht, Netherlands. Here is her account:

Personal testimonies

Kianda Foundation launches Endowment Fund for African women

Kianda Foundation, a non-profit trust established in 1961 to provide education to women in Kenya, has embarked on building an Endowment Fund that will provide education to 350 girls and 500 women in Kenya in perpetuity. Besides providing women with professional preparation, Kianda’s institutions offer programs of spiritual formation, which they have entrusted to Opus Dei, a personal prelature of the Catholic Church.

Social initiatives

CEFIM Women’s Development Center in Bolivia

“To educate a woman is to educate a family” goes the motto of the Centro de Formación Integral para la Mujer (CEFIM), which was established in La Paz, Bolivia, in 1986. CEFIM offers women of limited means a broad-based program of training and education, which qualifies them for jobs and helps them improve their life situation.

Social initiatives

How does one join Opus Dei?

Opus Dei