Number of articles: 4780

Yearning for the truth

Jacqueline Loh, a Singaporean lawyer and mother of two, recalls the beginning of a journey which began when she was at university: “I longed to able to know the truth about the faith which I had previously practiced without much understanding or questioning….”

It happened on October 6, 2002!

October 6, 2007 marks the 5th anniversary of the Canonization of St Josemaria Escriva. We recall some personal testimonies and favours received through the intercession of the saint on the very day of his canonization, on October 6, 2002.

The Sacrament of Penance

God helps us through the sacraments. In confession he forgives us as a loving father (1’26’’).

Pray with Saint Josemaría

Cheerful, even in the Rubble

When the earth shook in Peru on August 15th, Isabel Gameros first gathered together the 11 members of her family. Then she went to help her neighbors. That evening she decided to say the rosary in the middle of the rubble, “Because God knows what is best.”

Recent News

A Rich Life Indeed

Fatuma Hirsi Mohamed is a pioneer Strathmore Business School MBA student. She is Nation Media Group's Corporate Affairs Manager and Chairman of Public Relations Society of Kenya. Below is a question and answer interview on family, work, studies and religion.

Recent News

Fatuma, a Muslim in Strathmore Business School

Fatuma Hirsi Mohamed is an MBA student at Strathmore Business School in Kenya. Currently she directs the National Media Group and is president of the Public Relations Society of Kenya. She has four children and plays golf.

Personal testimonies

My Glass is Half Full

Mark Pickup is a disabled man (triplegic) with advanced multiple sclerosis. He is also columnist for the Western Catholic Reporter in Edmonton, Alberta. He tells of his experience of finding out for himself what the message of Opus Dei was all about

Personal testimonies

8. Why does Opus Dei stress personal prayer?

Video interview with Fr. Michael Barrett. Why does Opus Dei stress personal prayer? (Duration: 3:24)

Opus Dei

Books of Fire: The Works of St. Josemaría around the Globe

Promoted by the Studium Foundation in Madrid, new translations of St. Josemaría’s books are constantly being published in new languages. Last year the global circulation of the various titles was 135,000 books. Here we offer a few examples of the books’ impact in Russia, China, and Eritrea.

Recent News

9. What is Opus Dei's apostolic mission?

Video interview with Fr. Michael Barrett. What is Opus Dei's apostolic mission? (Duration: 2:28)

Opus Dei