Number of articles: 4780

Artistic creation and Josemaría Escrivá

Alexander Zorin, eminent Russian intellectual and poet, and a member of the Russian Orthodox Church, reflects on the teachings of Josemaría Escrivá. During the Soviet era, he discovered a typewritten Russian translation of The Way.

Personal testimonies

Sorrow and joy

God’s will is lovable, even when things go wrong. Video (0’53’’). "See that God at least permits the thing which is bothering you and you will see how the pain will go away", said Saint Josemaria.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

Thirty Years of Hospitality at Lexington College

Lexington College in Chicago celebrates its 30th anniversary by inaugurating a new program that will expand its hospitality training to the area of Health Care and Wellness.

Social initiatives

Reading the Gospel

We will get to know Jesus if we “live” the Gospel. We offer a weekly video of Saint Josemaría (1'45'').

Pray with Saint Josemaría

The Splendor of Charity: St. Josemaría’s Legacy

Words from Bishop Javier Echevarría on the fifth anniversary of the canonization of St. Josemaría.

From the Prelate

Harambee inaugurates Four New Projects for Africa

VIDEO: St. Josemaría’s canonization in 2002 left its mark on Africa, when persons from all over the world donated more than one million euros. With these, Harambee was able to fund 24 projects. Now, five years later, it is undertaking four more projects which are here briefly described.

Social initiatives

A Weekly Video of St. Josemaría

To see someone who is now contemplating God in heaven and to hear that person speak about God is a welcome opportunity for a Christian. On the fifth anniversary of St. Josemaría’s canonization, our web page inaugurates a new section: Short Videos of the Founder.

Recent News

It all began with a prayer

Many people start praying through the intercession of St Josemaria Escriva after finding a prayer-card, often quite by chance. Here are some testimonies of those who have discovered the prayer card and a powerful intercessor.


The present prelate of Opus Dei was born in Madrid on June 14, 1932.

Letter from the Prelate (October 2007)

“Make it a habit to raise your heart to God, in acts of thanksgiving, many times a day,” the Prelate of Opus Dei suggests in his October letter, echoing words of St. Josemaría.

Pastoral Letters and Messages