“It is worthwhile!” (III): Making Time an Ally
“Our feelings need to be formed, to mature, to learn; they tell us the truth about ourselves and about our relationships. We need to make this aspect of our being an integral part of our response to God, in order to be able to make decisions that involve our life in time.”
“It is worthwhile!”(I): A Force That Conquers Time
Fidelity is the virtue that arises in relationships between people – and therefore also with God – when we trust in the love of the other person.
Letter from the Prelate (19 March 2022) | Fidelity
In this pastoral letter, the Prelate of Opus Dei reflects on some consequences of being faithful to Christ and to the vocation to the Work, following the teachings of Saint Josemaria.
"Only in Christ is there love without reserve or changes of mind"
In his Wednesday October 24 general audience, Pope Francis spoke about the Sixth Commandment and the requirement of fidelity.
Learning to be Faithful
Being faithful to a person, a love, a vocation is a path that requires both human loyalty and reliance on God's grace.
Letter from the Prelate (March 2014)
The Prelate focuses on the virtues of fidelity and loyalty, in the context of the centennial of Alvaro del Portillo's birth.