Number of articles: 392

The Annunciation of the Lord

Resources with which to celebrate the Annunciation, the feast of the Incarnation of the eternal Son of the Father in the Virgin Mary, on 25 March.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

Letter of St. Josemaria about charity in the transmission of the faith

Thanks to Scepter (U.K.) Ltd. and the Fundación Studium, here is a digital version of Letter 4 from The Collected Letters, volume I, in which St. Josemaria wrote about charity in the transmission of the faith.


Letter of Saint Josemaria about some characteristics of the spirit of Opus Dei

Thanks to Scepter (U.K.) Ltd. and the Fundación Studium, here is a digital version of Letter 6 from The Collected Letters, volume II, in which St. Josemaria wrote about some aspects of the vocation and mission of the Work, speaking particularly about secularity.


Letter of Saint Josemaria about the work of Saint Gabriel

This letter, which bears the number 29 in the collected works of St. Josemaria, speaks of the work of St. Gabriel, one of the apostolates (perhaps the most extensive today) that Opus Dei develops among people who have already passed their youth and who, in general, feel called to follow the path of holy matrimony.


9 January: Livestream from the Prelatic Church

On 9 January, anniversary of St. Josemaria's birth, from 11:00 to 15:20 and 16:00 to 18:00 Rome time (UTC + 2), live images will be broadcast from the prelatic church of Our Lady of Peace in Rome, where his mortal remains repose.

Devotion and Favors

Prayer for Families of the People of Opus Dei

Since 1951, on the Sunday after Christmas, in Opus Dei a special petition is made to the Holy Family of Nazareth for the families of the Prelature's faithful. Here is the story of the origin of this prayer.

Stories from His Life

The Christian Vocation

A homily given by St. Josemaria on 2 December 1951, the first Sunday of Advent.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

Visiting “our Lady’s Poor”

Visits to the poor are a means of formation in the work of St. Raphael, which is the apostolate carried out by the faithful of Opus Dei with young people.

Saint Josemaría

Novena to Saint Josemaria for Students

God walks with us and his friends, the saints, are “allies” who help us. On 17 November, International Students’ Day, here is a novena to St. Josemaria for students.


Pilgrimage to Our Lady of the Pillar

Our Lady of the Pillar is one of the oldest Marian invocations. We celebrate her feast day on 12 October.

Stories from His Life