In the small town in Leon where my parents come from, the parish church was in terrible condition, dirty and rundown. A few years ago a young priest was sent there, and he proposed restoring the church with the help of the townspeople. Many people enthusiastically joined him, but others started causing problems. After a while a few problems developed with the authorities, and at the same time the financial challenges seemed insurmountable. We entrusted all these problems to Dora. Every time that a new problem arose we intensified our prayers, because we could see that they could only be solved with supernatural help.
After several months, in which time everything came to a standstill and the church had to be completely closed down, the priest announced that he had been able to resolve all of the problems. He was so successful, in fact, that the church was ready to be opened within just one year’s time.
I thank Dora and the efforts of this young priest for having brought to completion something so necessary for people to live their faith well, and such an effective instrument for turning the tide of secularism threatening even these small towns.
C.B. Spain