In the recent conflicts taking place in my country, the major part of the fighting has taken place in the city. In the suburbs where violence first broke out, there is a school which provides professional formation for women with a residence.
There is a lot of devotion to Dora in the educational and social centre because some of the people who live there knew her and learnt from her how to work well, with human perfection and supernatural outlook. They have transmitted to the others these teachings and they have a great deal of affection for this strong woman who was a great support for the founder of Opus Dei, from her place of work, carrying out the work of the home. There is a photograph of Dora in the living room.
When the conflicts began they were very scared and they were genuinely in imminent danger. Many neighbours were killed during the conflicts. The insecurity reach such levels that they had to leave the house. On leaving they placed a photo of Dora in front of the entrance door as protector of what remained. When they could return to the house, they saw that by sheer providence, only one bullet had entered whereas the surroundings had suffered serious damage.