October 6 photo gallery

Photos from the canonization of Josemaría Escrivá. Accompanying the pictures are participant reactions and homily excerpts from some of the Thanksgiving Masses celebrated after the canonization in Rome.


The relics of St. Josemaría were transferred to the basilica of St. Eugenio on October 3 at noon. The casket with the body of the new saint remained exposed in the basilica of San Eugenio, facing the main altar, until October 10. The rector of San Eugenio, Fr. Michele Díaz, said that "tens of thousands of persons passed through the basilica" to venerate the relics of St. Josemaría. According to Fr. Díaz, it was a "procession of piety and devotion, during which thousands of people went to confession."


The presentation of Project Harambee 2002 took place on October 4 in the auditorium of Santa Cecilia. Nearly 2000 people attended. The event was a musical soirée featuring choruses from a variety of countries. Interspersed among the musical pieces were a variety of short speeches and film presentations.


At 10:25 on the sunny morning of October 6, before several hundred thousand people, John Paul II canonized Josemaría Escrivá. People from 84 countries attended the ceremony. The Pope recalled in his homily the St. Josemaría's ideal: "To elevate the world to God and transform it from within: this is the ideal the holy founder points out to you, dear brothers and sisters, who rejoice today to see him raised to the glory of the altars.… Following in his footsteps, spread in society the consciousness that we are all called to holiness whatever our race, class, society or age. In the first place, struggle to be saints yourselves, cultivating an evangelical style of humility and service, abandonment to Providence and of constant listening to the voice of the Spirit."


The day of the ceremony, the civil authorities and thousands of volunteers put forward their best effort to attend to the pilgrims.

“It was my good luck that October 6 was my birthday, and though it was one of the most tiring days of my life, it was also one of the happiest" (One of the volunteers).


"The Church canonizes one of its children not so much to increase their glory and fame as to present them as intercessors before God and above all models for our life…. Canonized saints are of the Church and for the Church; they are not lights to hide under a bushel basket, they are lights that the Church raises on high so that they may illuminate all." (Homily of Cardinal José Saraiva Martins, prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, at the thanksgiving Mass celebrated in the Basilica of San Andrea della Valle on October 8).


"I had the opportunity to be a volunteer for the canonization, and I can attest that assisting people has been one of the many things that made this trip different from any other in my life. St. Josemaría helped us in every moment and made the light of service shine in our hearts and give itself to the others. God gave us an international togetherness that was invaluable" (One of the volunteers).


Victor, a tailor who sewed a cassock for St. Josemaría during his visit to Peru in 1974, was in St. Peter's Square on October 6. “The nicest part was when the Holy Father declared him a saint," said Victor. " It brought into reality a dream that many of us had to see him raised to the altar. Now he will push us from heaven and will help us in everything that we ask him for, in my case, the physical and spiritual health of my family. Also it has moved me a great deal to see the presentation by John Paul II to the Church and the strength that he radiates. Now I feel more urgency to pray for him and its intentions.”


Many people were able to follow the ceremony of October 6 because of the 30 television networks around the world that broadcast the canonization. “After seeing the canonization ceremony on TV," recounts a Chilean lady, "my husband accompanied me to Mass. It was an unforgettable gift to be able to see to so many people praying next to the Pope, many young people who are our hope. The broadcaster did an amazing job.”


"Also the young people, ...they know, esteem and love St. Josemaría, as one loves an old and affectionate friend.... It is the moment to propose again to all, with conviction, the 'lofty degree of Christian life.' Here is the same ancient challenge, as urgent today as ever... for the Church of the new century" (Homily of Cardinal Antonio María Rouco, Archbishop of Madrid, in the Thanksgiving Mass celebrated in the Basilica of San Paolo Fuori le Mura on October 8).


Once, when asked which was best oratory in the house where he lived, St. Josemaría answered spontaneously: "The street." From this answer we see how positive was St. Josemaría's position towards the world. The saint is through and through a 'world enthusiast', but not in a naive manner. He was neither an optimist nor a pessimist, but a Christian realist. He knows about the consequences of sin and about the danger of secularization, but – and this is decisive for his positive bearing vis-á-vis the world, he knows also that God loves the world" (Homily of Archbishop Fernand Franck of Luxembourg, at the Thanksgiving Mass celebrated in the Basilica of Dodici Apostoli on October 8).


"What responsibility would be ours if, having received so many graces and examples from the new saint, we were to be half-hearted in our effort to follow in his path! We should not fear the evangelical challenges of holiness, holiness which fills us with happiness! Do not aim low, the new saint would tell us: I want you to be saints!" (Homily of Cardinal Paul Pouppard, president of the Pontifical Council of Culture, at the Thanksgiving Mass celebrated in the Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere on October 8).


"Allow me, however, to offer you this simple, absolutely personal testimony: How have I understood St. Josemaría, what idea have I formed of him? In other words: What is for me the secret of the holiness of Josemaría Escrivá? In one stroke, I will tell it to you: for me, a single word explains the life and the work of Josemaría. That word is: 'God'. God is at the base, in the center and on the top of the life and work of Josemaría. Every part of God and all comes from God. The secret of this apostle of the 20th is: God" (Words of Cardinal Ignace Moussa, prefect of the Congregation for the Eastern Churches, at the end of the Thanksgiving Mass celebrated in the church of Trinità dei Monti on October 8).


"Let us take advantage of this joyful, grace-laden occasion to examine our conscience to see how faithful we have been to our responsibility to continue the work that St. Josemaría has passed on to us. No matter how poor we may feel our response to have been, let us take advantage of this occasion to start over again, full of hope and trust in his kindly and very powerful intercession" (Homily of Archbishop John Myers of Newark, at the Thanksgiving Mass celebrated in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore on October 8).


"For St. Josemaría, Jesus was not an example to follow from afar, an abstraction, a moral way, but rather 'his Jesus', a person with whom to live continuously. His way of living and teaching the presence of God

each day, with the realism of life, offering God work, praying an aspiration, giving thanks for everything that happens, can be considered a great treasure for all Christians" (Homily of Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, prefect of the Congregation for bishops, at the Thanksgiving Mass celebrated in the Basilica of Santi Apostoli on October 8).


"We thank also his parents and siblings, and all who helped, especially those poor and sick who generously offered their sufferings for Opus Dei. St. Josemaría leaned with great confidence on the strength of their prayer. There were many sick people who offered their pain and their suffering for Fr. Josemaría's intention, which was unknown to them. Without the sacrifices and prayers of these people, it perhaps would not have been possible for Opus Dei to become what it now is. These patients enjoy Heaven now next to St. Josemaría" (Homily of Bishop Peter Takaaki Hirayama of Oita, Japan, at the Thanksgiving Mass celebrated in the church of San Girolamo della Carità on October 8).