Number of articles: 48

A São Paulo professional school helps women find work and serve their community

Veleiros is a women’s health care training school started by members and friends of Opus Dei in an impoverished São Paulo barrio.

Argentina: development programs in Santo Tomé

For the past 16 years, a group of volunteers have been carrying out various programs of nutrition, hygiene and literacy in Santo Tomé, a city of 43,000 where 65% of the people are living under the poverty line.

ReachOut! in inner city Manchester

University Students have been working for ten years now, in one of the most disadvantaged areas of Manchester. The project consists of several educational programmes of a voluntary nature.

A medical clinic in Mexico

Every Sunday at the crack of dawn, scores of indigenous Mazahuas and Otomíes gather at the old hacienda of San José de Toshi to receive medical treatment, participate in a training workshop, pick up a food ration or attend a Christian doctrine class.

Dagatan Family Farm School

Dagatan opened in 1988 with 35 students. As of 2003, there were five more family farm schools in the Philippines, offering children of farmers the possibility of alternating studies and field work to help their families improve their economic situation.

Painting for the poor in St. Petersburg

Each year a group of Irish students organizes a work camp to help needy people in St. Petersburg by refurbishing their dwellings. The work camp has also included students from Finland, the U.S., Lithuania, and Latvia. Joe Flanagan relates his memories of the camp.

Helping the sick and lonely

In Madrid, approximately 100,000 of the city's elderly live alone. They face many difficulties in their current situation. The Development and Assistance Foundation coordinates the work of hundreds of volunteers to reach out to those in need.

A Vein of Young Entrepreneurs

"Start Up Rome, Italy." An article by Luca Macario published in 2000 about Centro ELIS and the impact it is making on an impoverished district in Rome.

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