Number of articles: 476

"Baptism is the beginning of hope"

After a summer break in July, Pope Francis returned to his reflections on the Christian virtue of hope, in his August 2 general audience.

From the Church and the Pope

Five Keys to Friendship from Pope Francis

“A friend isn’t just an acquaintance, someone you enjoy passing the time of day with. Friendship is something much deeper.” Some advice from Pope Francis on friendship.

From the Church and the Pope

Pope Francis Rests in the Vatican

Pope Francis is resting this summer by staying in the Vatican and preparing for upcoming meetings and a trip to Colombia in September.

From the Church and the Pope

Those distant from the Christian faith

"Let us pray that our brothers and sisters who have strayed from the faith, through our prayer and witness to the Gospel, may rediscover the beauty of the Christian life.” This is monthly intention of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network for July 2017.

From the Church and the Pope

"Every Christian is a 'martyr', a witness"

During yesterday's general audience, Pope Francis explained the meaning of martyrdom. He said that Christians who decide to live their faith coherently should take into account Jesus' words: there will be persecutions.

From the Church and the Pope

Pope Francis: "Saints in everyday life"

In his June 21 general audience, Pope Francis spoke about the important role of the saints in the Church, and the need for "saints in everyday life."

From the Church and the Pope

Angelus Address on Feast of Corpus Christi

Address given by Pope Francis before praying the Angelus on the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ.

From the Church and the Pope

Angelus Address on Trinity Sunday

Address given by Pope Francis before praying the Angelus on the feast of the Most Holy Trinity. “Mend your ways, heed my appeal, agree with one another, live in peace,” the Holy Father said, citing Saint Paul.

From the Church and the Pope

Pope Francis: Encounter with World of Work

"Work is a friend of prayer; work is present every day in the Eucharist, whose gifts are the fruit of man’s land and work." Pope Francis answers 4 questions from a manager, a union representative, a manual worker, and an unemployed person, during his May 27 pastoral visit to Genoa.

From the Church and the Pope

Canonization Homily at Mass in Fatima

On May 13, Pope Francis canonized Blesseds Jacinta and Francisco, during his pilgrimage to the shrine of Fatima. Here is the homily from the canonization Mass.

From the Church and the Pope