Number of articles: 8

Novena to Saint Josemaria for Students

God walks with us and his friends, the saints, are “allies” who help us. On 17 November, International Students’ Day, here is a novena to St. Josemaria for students.


Novena for Work

Praying to Saint Josemaría

Novena for Serenity to Blessed Alvaro

A novena to ask God for serenity and peace of heart through the intercession of Blessed Alvaro del Portillo, who died on 23 March 1994.

Nine Days Praying With Dora del Hoyo

This novena offers nine prayers to help us talk to God about what makes us happy, worries us or upsets us, in the light of different features that shone forth in the life of Dora del Hoyo, whose cause of canonization has been opened.


Novena to Guadalupe Ortiz

We offer a novena, written by Fr Francis Faus, to ask for favors or help through the intercession of Guadalupe.

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Novena to Guadalupe Ortiz

We offer a novena, written by Fr Francis Faus, to ask for favors or help through the intercession of Guadalupe.

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Novena for the sick

"Children. The Sick. — As you write these words, don't you feel tempted to use capitals? The reason is that in children and in the sick a soul in love sees Him." The Novena for the Sick, with many quotes from St. Josemaria's writings, encourages accepting suffering with a Christian spirit, uniting it to Christ's passion and death, and asks God for a cure if such be his will.

Novena to the Venerable Montse Grases

Fr Francisco Faus has written this Novena to enable readers – especially young people – to get to know Montse Grases better and to ask her intercession for favours.
