Number of articles: 26

The Christian Vocation, Nucleus of the Message of Msgr. Escrivá

Homily given by Msgr. Alvaro del Portillo at the Mass of Thanksgiving for the Beatification of Josemaría Escrivá (May 18, 1992)


Prayer for Blessed Alvaro del Portillo's intercession

This is the prayer to ask God for favors through the intercession of Blessed Alvaro del Portillo. You can download the prayer card, which includes a brief biography, as a pdf or as an audio file.

Don Alvaro helped my son return to God

Florence Ibekwe works in the poultry unit of the Iroto Rural Development Centre, Ogun State Nigeria. Here she tells of a favor she received thanks to the intercession of the soon-to-be-blessed Alvaro del Portillo


Praying with Alvaro del Portillo

For Alvaro del Portillo’s centennial year and his upcoming beatification on September 27, texts of his related to the liturgical seasons and important feasts will be offered here. The first is entitled “Lent and apostolate.”


Alvaro del Portillo to be beatified in Madrid on September 27, 2014

The program for the beatification includes key events in Madrid and Rome. The beatification ceremony in Madrid will be presided over by the Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, Cardinal Angelo Amato.


Alvaro del Portillo in Facebook, Twitter and Smartphone app

Daily posts on Alvaro del Portillo’s life story and pastoral message can now be received through Twitter and Facebook. A smartphone app is also available.


Personal testimonies regarding Alvaro del Portillo

Brief comments about Bishop Alvaro del Portillo taken from statements by well-known people in the Church and society.


Information about Bishop Alvaro del Portillo

Information about Bishop Alvaro del Portillo's life and cause of canonization.


Biography of Alvaro del Portilllo

Alvaro del Portillo was born in Madrid on March 11, 1914. He was the third of eight children in a devout Catholic family. He died in Rome on March 23, 1994.


Decree on the Heroic Virtues of Alvaro del Portillo

Decree signed by Benedict XVI on June 28, 2012 recognizing the heroic virtues of the Servant of God Alvaro del Portillo.
