Number of articles: 20

Abi, Australia: "My life was full of stuff, but I wasn't fully happy"

Abi grew up in Perth, in western Australia. There she studied Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, and developed a lot of hobbies, which, however, did not fulfil her completely: “So, I had all this time and had all this money and all these opportunities. But I felt like I was wasting my time... Well, not wasting my time, but wasting my life!”

One by One

Bek, Australia: "No one can say that they've reached the summit of learning how to love people"

Rebekah, better known as Bek, is from Wollongong, Australia. Bek has many hobbies: she likes sailing, painting, reading, music and cooking. Her passion for cooking ended up being her field of professional development. The purpose of her work is to ensure that people know that they are loved, something that requires continuous learning: "I don't think anyone can say that they've reached the summit of learning how to love people."

One by One

Video of the Prelate in New Zealand

Highlights from the Prelate of Opus Dei's trip to New Zealand. From August 24-26, Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz traveled to New Zealand to spend a few days with the faithful of Opus Dei in that country and with the people and families who participate in the Prelature's mission of evangelization.

From the Prelate

"Red dirt, deadly animals and desolate landscapes"

"It was surreal experience to travel to the heart of the country." Francis Gonzaga, a student from Warrane College in Sydney, reflects on his experience at a volunteer work camp in Alice Springs, Australia.

Extraordinary graces, ordinary motherhood

St Josemaría’s worldwide impact is evident. Tens of thousands of members, apostolic initiatives aplenty, beatified members… the list goes on. But at the heart of these numbers is what is most important – a personal encounter with God. And for many, this involves a personal encounter with St Josemaría.

Warrane College Celebrates 50 Years

Here is a video made for the 50th anniversary of this university residence for young men in Australia, which has produced abundant fruit, both human and spiritual, over the years.

Work Camp in Land of Many Islands

A group of 38 young men from Australia and New Zealand went to Vanuatu (a country of 83 islands 1,000 miles east of northern Australia) for two weeks in January to refurbish a school.

"I lacked a lot of trust"

Anna Corry, a supernumerary member of Opus Dei, had many messages to pass on before she died of cancer on the 29th of March 2018, in Sydney, Australia.

"It was even better than I expected"

​In late December 2017 and early January 2018, a group of 27 young Australians spent three weeks in Vietnam building two houses and a number of toilets for families in need.

A Long Tradition of Service

Peter Bradshaw, a university student who lives in Warrane College in Sydney, Australia, recounts his experiences helping out in a home for the elderly and in a city shelter.