Number of articles: 4

Educational and social initiatives which receive assistance from the Opus Dei Prelature

This article gives an overview of the educational and social initiatives which have formational and spiritual assistance agreements with Opus Dei. The data was compiled from public information about these initiatives and was updated in June 2024.

Social initiatives

​My ‘Borrom-Box’ Clothes

The adventure of organising a Mass in honour of St Josemaria in Abeokuta, Nigeria.


Heal the World

A group of university students visited children in the pediatric wards of the Teaching Hospital in Ituku-Ozalla shortly before the lock down.

Opus Dei in this country

Apostolic Initiatives

Some faithful of Opus Dei together with some Cooperators and others, some of whom are non-Christians carry out in each country educational, social and cultural projects which are aimed at providing service and formation. These include schools, hospitals, universities and centres of professional formation
