Number of articles: 46

"Share this joyful and hope-filled vision of the family"

Homily of Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, at the 28th Marian Day of the Family held in the shrine of Torreciudad on September 1, with over 16,000 people taking part.

Mass Celebrated at the Covadonga Shrine

Homily of the Prelate of Opus Dei at the Shrine of Covadonga (Spain), where the Archbishop invited him to join the Marian Jubilee Year of Covadonga commemorating the Canonical Coronation of the Virgin of Covadonga

"What happens to my freedom if I surrender it to God and, for his sake, to others?"

Homily of Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz at the Mass celebrated for the liturgical feast of Blessed Alvaro del Portillo, in Rome.

Prelate: "Present to society the strength of the truth"

Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz gave the closing address at the conference for over 400 Church communicators held at the Pontifical University of Santa Croce in Rome, from 17-19 April.

Prelate's Homily at Easter Vigil

"Let us receive the light He wants to give us and share it with those around us." Homily of Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz at the Easter Vigil in Our Lady of Peace on 31 March 2018.

Prelate's Homily on Holy Thursday

"The Eucharist is Jesus Christ himself, really present and given for us." Words from Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz's homily in Our Lady of Peace in Rome, on 29 March 2018.

"Faithfully conserving the faith doesn’t make you ultraconservative"

Extract from an interview with Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz published in "Vida Nueva," a year after he was elected Prelate of Opus Dei.

“Lord, may we be people who know how to love”

On the anniversary of Saint Josemaria's birth, the Prelate of Opus Dei celebrated Holy Mass in the Prelatic Church of Our Lady of Peace. We offer a summary of the homily he delivered.

"The beauty of faith comes from abandonment in God's hands"

Homily and gallery of photos from the Mass celebrated in Rome by the Prelate on the first anniversary of the death of Bishop Javier Echevarría, his predecessor at the head of Opus Dei.

"Knowing the 'why' of each job changes how we work"

The Prelate of Opus Dei spoke at a recent Congress about work held at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. What follows is a summary of his remarks, delivered during an academic colloquium that lasted an hour.