Number of articles: 339

Letter from the Prelate (February 2010)

The Prelate announces a Marian year in Opus Dei to give thanks to God for showing Saint Josemaría, 80 years ago, that this way of seeking sanctity is also meant for women.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (January 2010)

"The scene of the Epiphany is always timely," the Prelate tells us in his first letter of 2010. "Every historical epoch, every country, every new generation, has to be brought to Christ."

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (December 2009)

As once again the joy of the Christmas season draws near, the Prelate urges us "to help restore the Christian meaning of this feast to society."

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (November 2009)

"Throughout the Year of the Priesthood, besides praying for the holiness of all priests, we have to pray for the holiness of the entire Christian people," who share in Christ's "royal priesthood," the Prelate tells us in his letter this month.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (October 2009)

The Prelate reflects on the sanctifying value of our work and, in the context of the current global crisis, urges us "to purify our faith, foster hope, and grow in charity."

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (September 2009)

Bishop Javier Echevarría highlights the feasts of our Lady celebrated this month, and assures us that Mary will obtain the graces we need to confront our daily struggle.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (August 2009)

The Prelate, writing from Mexico, speaks about the Marian feasts that are celebrated in August and through them encourages us to imitate Mary's ordinary life and her closeness to her son Jesus.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (July 2009)

Bishop Javier Echevarría asks us to give thanks to God for the gift of the priesthood, since "the priesthood is the love of Jesus’ Heart."

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (June 2009)

The liturgical feast days in June form the thread of the Prelate's monthly letter, in which he urges us to draw closer to God in our ordinary life.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (May 2009)

Bishop Javier Echevarría asks us during these weeks to "contemplate our Lady, the Mother of Jesus and our Mother, taken up in body and soul to the joy and the glory of the Resurrection."

Pastoral Letters and Messages