Number of articles: 180

Educational and social initiatives which receive assistance from the Opus Dei Prelature

This article gives an overview of the educational and social initiatives which have formational and spiritual assistance agreements with Opus Dei. The data was compiled from public information about these initiatives and was updated in June 2024.

Social initiatives

Teaching Children to Adore Jesus in the Eucharist

This initiative began in Vigo (Galicia, Spain) to help little children approach Eucharistic adoration in order to pray and form a relationship with God from a young age. Little by little, it spread to other parishes in the city.

Social initiatives

Young People Increasingly Interested in Spirituality

An international research group presented their findings on youth, values, and religion in Rome last month. The study is being carried out by the “Footprints” research group from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome) and seven other universities around the world.

Social initiatives

Pause: A Digital Platform for Families

"Stop and think about your family," is the tagline for a new digital platform from IFFD (International Federation for Family Development) with content on education and family life.

Social initiatives

"If we didn't do our small bit..."

An elementary school teacher and her former students reach out to the less fortunate in Antique province, central Philippines.

Social initiatives

The Pope to UNIV: "We contemplate Christ crucified"

At the end of his catechesis on the virtue of patience, Pope Francis greeted the young people at UNIV, who came to Rome for Holy Week.

Social initiatives

"They need someone willing to sit beside them"

Jennifer, Francine, and Princess talk about their experience visiting the Philippine National School for the Blind in Pasay City. They went with a group of 40 women from Linang Center and Punlaan School (Manila, Philippines).

Social initiatives

COP@20, celebrating 20 years of service!

Strathmore University's Community Outreach Program (COP), under the Community Service Centre, this year hits its 20 year mark. A big year, worthy of celebration!

Social initiatives

Akatio, a Choice that Widened my Horizon

Ulrich, Director of Studies of the Akatio Vocational Training Project in Ivory Coast, recounts his experience from his arrival in 2017 to the present day. Through his job he has had an important impact on the lives of many young people.

Social initiatives

What is a balanced life?: Season Two of LoveTalks

On 22 April, the second season of LoveTalks, a digital series from the IFFD (International Federation for Family Development), premieres under the slogan "Balanced Life" where experts from around the world will offer ideas and experiences on how to integrate all aspects of life.

Social initiatives