Number of articles: 422

Recent Testimonies of British Opus Dei Members

Recently four members of the Prelature in Britain posted pieces about their experience in Opus Dei on the "Faith Column", a blog hosted by the New Statesman, a popular current affairs magazine.

Personal testimonies

Constantly Giving Thanks

Now 92 years old, Francisco Corazón recalls how he met Opus Dei and relates the beginnings of a personal apostolic initiative that has since become an international network of rural schools for farm workers.

Personal testimonies

Artistic creation and Josemaría Escrivá

Alexander Zorin, eminent Russian intellectual and poet, and a member of the Russian Orthodox Church, reflects on the teachings of Josemaría Escrivá. During the Soviet era, he discovered a typewritten Russian translation of The Way.

Personal testimonies

Fatuma, a Muslim in Strathmore Business School

Fatuma Hirsi Mohamed is an MBA student at Strathmore Business School in Kenya. Currently she directs the National Media Group and is president of the Public Relations Society of Kenya. She has four children and plays golf.

Personal testimonies

My Glass is Half Full

Mark Pickup is a disabled man (triplegic) with advanced multiple sclerosis. He is also columnist for the Western Catholic Reporter in Edmonton, Alberta. He tells of his experience of finding out for himself what the message of Opus Dei was all about

Personal testimonies

A sense of connection with a Personal God

Stephen Tsang, from Hong Kong, converted to Catholicism while living as a student at Netherhall residence in London.

Personal testimonies

On the High Seas: From Zoroastrianism to Catholicism

Shahrookh Khambatta Damania tells the story of his conversion in which he crossed many seas, including those of the interior life.

Personal testimonies

Sixty Years Later

In 2002 in Warsaw, on June 26th, Irene Kalpas met Opus Dei "by chance." She was almost 90 years old.

Personal testimonies

Zhanara discovers Catholicism in Amsterdam

Zhanara is from Kazakhstan, but her life took a big turn when she came to Amsterdam. Here she encountered the Catholic faith and has been baptized. Her path to conversion has taught her to open up her mind and her heart.

Personal testimonies

"St Josemaria really does take care of me"

Kathleen McCormick, is a carer, cleaner, grandmother and a Co-operator of Opus Dei. She lives in Glasgow.

Personal testimonies