Number of articles: 422

"A message for today's world"

Enrique, an interior architect in Chile, met the founder of Opus Dei in 1974. He speaks about love for freedom in the Work and how its message is very relevant for today's world.

Personal testimonies

From Helsinki to Rome

Anna Riina, a 25 year old Finnish girl, converted to Catholicism three and a half years ago. Now she is studying theology at the University of the Holy Cross in Rome.

Personal testimonies

Blueprint for a Happy Marriage

Three Australians share their memories of Bishop Alvaro del Portillo's fatherly warmth and the encouragement he gave to married couples.

Personal testimonies

"Painting can be one's altar of prayer"

In Cebu, the Philippines, renowned cubist painter Celso Pepito discovered St. Josemaria's message of the sanctifying value of offering one's work to God and always striving to do one's best.

Personal testimonies

Marriage quarrels

St Josemaría talks about quarrels as well as many other practical aspects of married life in a new DVD “Take a chance on happiness”

Personal testimonies

"The birth of a handicapped child is like a tsunami"

Cosimo's birth was at first a great shock to Stefania. But her newly strengthened faith led her to launch out and help begin work opportunity programs for similarly affected children.

Personal testimonies

Your kids notice everything

St Josemaría explains how young children notice everything and he offers parents lots of practical advice in a new DVD “Take a chance on happiness.”

Personal testimonies

Holiness in ordinary life

Saint Josemaría teaches that marriage is a way to holiness through ordinary life, as shown in a new DVD “Take a chance on happiness.”

Personal testimonies

A sick child

St Josemaría teaches that we must see the redemptive value of suffering, as shown in a new DVD “Take a chance on happiness”

Personal testimonies

Marriage, a Christian Vocation

Saint Josemaría insists that marriage is a Christian vocation meant for many men and women, as shown in a new DVD “Take a chance on happiness.”

Personal testimonies