Number of articles: 422

"A close-knit team"

In Abidjan in Ivory Coast, parents and teachers are working together closely to build a school that reinforces the values learned at home.

Personal testimonies

"Never stop working on your marriage"

Emily Marcucci, a Harvard grad from Massachusetts who has been married for 15 years and has 8 children, talks about the challenges and joys of raising a large family.

Personal testimonies

From Shanghai to Rome

Yiran was born in China, in a city near Shanghai. Reading Scott Hahn's “Rome Sweet Home” gave her the final “push” she needed to decide to be baptized soon.

Personal testimonies

"With a large family, we'll never be alone"

Daniel Plazek is a sales engineer from Pittsburgh, PA. He and his wife Luisa have 7 children, one of whom, Kathryn, is a numerary in Opus Dei. Daniel shares his perspective on marriage, fatherhood, and also offers some practical advice for young parents.

Personal testimonies

"Less screen, more family"

Interview with Joanną Raczyńską, who lives in Poland. The mother of two children, she is a graphic designer and writes several blogs.

Personal testimonies

"My 'super-abled' daughter"

Angela was born in 2003 with Down Syndrome. Her father says that, with faith in God's Providence, confronting this reality brings with it great rewards.

Personal testimonies

"Music brings me closer to God"

Daniel is from New Orleans, the cradle of jazz. He says that his guitar has brought him quite far, leading him to both the rhythms of flamenco and to get to know Opus Dei.

Personal testimonies

Sophie's Family

Sophie, a Cooperator of Opus Dei in France, talks about confronting her husband's devastating accident a few months after their marriage, with the light and strength she found in Saint Josemaria's writings.

Personal testimonies

"Bloom where you are planted"

Opus Dei started in Kenya in 1958 by the direct impulse of Saint Josemaria Escriva. In this video clip we see how its message has taken root there.

Personal testimonies

"People here are always giving thanks"

Isabel Covarrubias, a teacher from Santiago, Chile, is spending this semester helping out at Kimlea Technical Training Centre in Kenya.

Personal testimonies