Number of articles: 422

"The Start of an Adventure" — series on married love

Sole and Juampi, an Argentinian couple, share how they met, dated, and began their married life together. "The Start of an Adventure" is the first in a series of six videos that could serve as a resource for pre-marriage courses.

Personal testimonies

In the Congo Jungle, with the Pygmies

Claude, a faithful of the Prelature in the Congo, works for a European NGO. He shares his experience of several days spent with the pygmies, and reflects on the human and supernatural help the Christian faith can bring to them.

Personal testimonies

“I found God in a beggar on the metro”

Giampiero Autiero is an Italian surgeon who emigrated to Germany in search of work. An encounter with a beggar on the metro led him to change his life.

Personal testimonies

Treasure of Children with Special Needs

Elizabeth Varghese, married and with two children, is a teacher in India. She was born and brought up in Indore, before moving to Delhi where she now lives and teaches children with special educational needs.

Personal testimonies

"Faith lived daily" — Opus Dei in Quebec, a Catholic television channel in Quebec, recently offered this short documentary about the work of Opus Dei there.

Personal testimonies

Where God Weeps With Hope

“Over the past months, my work has taken me to the Amazon in Brazil and Lake Turkana in Kenya, seeking to portray the human condition with my camera, irrespective of race, religion or belief. I am particularly interested in each person,” says photojournalist Ismael Martinez.

Personal testimonies

Strathmore and Saint Josemaria

Strathmore School, the first multi-racial school in Kenya, started in 1961 under the encouragement of Saint Josemaria. Prof. David Sperling, founding principal, talks about the beginnings of the school and his personal recollections of Saint Josemaria.

Personal testimonies

"They helped me just by being themselves"

Valery, a 24-year old Italian who was baptized at the Easter Vigil this year, describes how she came to a better understanding of the faith thanks to the family of one of her classmates.

Personal testimonies

Thato's Journey in Faith

Thato from South Africa shares her story with the Prelate of Opus Dei and the participants at the 2017 UNIV congress in Rome, describing how she arrived at the Catholic Church after a journey of searching. A few days after this get-together, Thato came into the Church during the celebration of the Easter Vigil.

Personal testimonies

"It takes a mother to understand a mother's heart"

A testimony to how our Lady of Torreciudad changed the heart of a strong mother.

Personal testimonies