Number of articles: 422

"Our Lord helped me to forgive"

When their daughter Patricia was killed by a bullet meant for another person, her parents realized that they had to ask God for strength to forgive the assailant. Fourth video in a series for the 50th anniversary of Opus Dei's apostolic work in Puerto Rico.

Personal testimonies

The Miracle of a Vocation to the Priesthood

On 4 May 2019, Bernard Nderitu will be ordained in Rome together with 33 other faithful of Opus Dei. He will be the first Associate member of Opus Dei in Africa to be ordained a priest

Personal testimonies

A Bridge Between Brothers

Francisco and Joannatan D´Orville talk about how their shared faith has helped them overcome their differences as two very competitive brothers. Third video in a series made to commemorate 50 years of Opus Dei's apostolic work in Puerto Rico.

Personal testimonies

Working on Trust (9): Dealing with peer pressure

How can we equip our children to handle peer pressure in ways that enable them to bring out the best in themselves? Final video in the series “Working on Trust.”

Personal testimonies

Fleeing War to Find God: The Story of Jerome

Jerome hasn't had it easy in his life. This is how he presents himself: "I was born in the Congo and, since I was a child, my life has been marked by pain." Here is his story.

Personal testimonies

"Why can't I express what I have inside?"

Alanis, a university student in Puerto Rico, talks about how a friend helped her discover the richness of her Catholic faith, and the need to share it with others.

Personal testimonies

"The day I decided to truly live my faith"

José is a recent graduate in Medicine in Puerto Rico who loves to surf. He recounts an unexpected encounter at WYD in 2011 that changed his life and that of his future wife Michelle.

Personal testimonies

Don Javier's Final Days

Rafaella is a faithful of Opus Dei in Italy who, thanks to her work, witnessed the final days of Bishop Javier Echevarría. He died on December 12, 2016, after 22 years at the head of Opus Dei.

Personal testimonies

A Whole New Dimension to Life

Liz married at fifty, after thirty years working at the highest levels of state government and at one of the largest technology companies in the world. Through the reality of marrying a widower with adolescents, she met Opus Dei and worked on new aspects of her life.

Personal testimonies

"Finding God in my studies and friendships"

Anthony, a graduate student in Montreal, Canada, speaks about how the formation he receives at an Opus Dei center helps him find God in his studies and friendships.

Personal testimonies