Number of articles: 422

Conversion of a Portuguese Horseman

His family owns a discotheque, but his passion has always been horses. In this story of his conversion, Miguel recounts how he met Opus Dei and how cancer has now given his life an even deeper meaning and happiness.

Personal testimonies

The KGB Agent and the Engineer

During the 1970s, Salvatore, who had recently met Saint Josemaría, lived through an adventure worthy of a spy novel.

Personal testimonies

10 Years in Korea

In this video made in July 2019, four South Koreans talk about how the spirit of Opus Dei has influenced their own lives and families.

Personal testimonies

“Filling in” for the Affection of their Families

As in so many places during the health crisis, the residence for the elderly where Rafa works has had to multiply its efforts to care lovingly and professionally for the people there.

Personal testimonies

Sanctifying Ordinary Work: a Textile Maker

Vincenzo is a textile maker in Italy who has worked in this field for more than 30 years. He talks about how he tries to sanctify his daily work.

Personal testimonies

100th Anniversary of Saint John Paul II's Birth

Last May 18th marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of Karol Wojtyla in Wadowice, Poland. His birthplace is now a museum that brings his example of sanctity and human warmth closer to visitors.

Personal testimonies

Sanctifying Ordinary Work: a Hat Designer

Donata is a hat designer for a well-known fashion firm in Rome. Many of her designs are used in international movie productions.

Personal testimonies

"In Sweden, we Catholics are a small family"

Maria Bäärnhielm relates some of her experiences teaching catechism in Sweden. There are many conversions to Catholicism each year and young people are eager to learn more about the faith.

Personal testimonies

A Beautiful Adventure

In September 1981, the eight young women about to begin Opus Dei's apostolic work with women in Ivory Coast met with Blessed Alvaro del Portillo in Rome. Three of them share memories of their first years and friendships in this West African country.

Personal testimonies

“With my stories many people have come to know ‘another language’"

José Antonio is a policeman in Elche, Spain, and also a well-known author of crime novels, a genre in which he has won several awards.

Personal testimonies