Number of articles: 423

A Family Lashed by a Supertyphoon

Her father died and their home was destroyed in the supertyphoon last December in the Philippines. Mags Amamag narrates how amid all the chaos she always sensed God's fatherly providence.

Personal testimonies

"Finding God restored my joy"

Joanna, the mother of four children, works as an information technology consultant in Lisbon. After going through a dark period in her life, she recovered her joy after discovering the possibility of coming close to God in her daily life.

Personal testimonies

"I left drugs and found Jesus in my work"

Bruno lived in the world of drugs. He hit rock bottom and went through a rehabilitation process. And God showed Himself to him in the sacraments, in the homeless, and in his job in a supermarket warehouse.

Personal testimonies

Making God Proud: How My Drawings Improved When I Changed My Intentions.

Brian, a student of Architecture, describes how discovering he can offer his work for God helped him meet the targets set by his teachers.

Personal testimonies

Addicted to Instagram: “…here I am beginning and beginning again”!

Jacinta describes her struggle to overcome her addiction to Instagram, and the help she received from the writings of Saint Josemaria.

Personal testimonies

Just Like Jewelry: Sanctifying Daily Work

Sergio, an artist living in São Paulo, Brazil, shares the path that led him to discover the true value of his work and how to sanctify it.

Personal testimonies

“I confessed a sin I found it hard to confess, and walked away relieved”

Tiago is a health-care worker specializing in medical emergencies in Lisbon. He was at the forefront in the fight against the pandemic. One day he returned to God in the Sacrament of Confession and this helped him to be a better husband, father and worker.

Personal testimonies

"If I were to relive my life, I would do exactly what I did."

Silvano Borruso was one of the first members of Opus Dei that St. Josemaria sent to begin the Work in Kenya. He arrived in September of 1960 and passed away on Saturday 1st January 2022 after a long illness. This is an abridged interview from Strathmore School on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the beginning of Opus Dei.

Personal testimonies

A friendship born out of prose and poetry

Desmond and Eric share a common interest in poetry and writing. What started out as a mere professional dealing has blossomed into a trusting and beautiful friendship.

Personal testimonies

"If I were to relive my life, I would do exactly what I did."

Silvano Borruso was one of the first members of Opus Dei that St. Josemaria sent to begin the Work in Kenya. He arrived in September of 1960 and passed away on Saturday 1st January 2022 after a long illness. He was interviewed by Strathmore School on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the beginning of Opus Dei.

Personal testimonies