Number of articles: 496

"Pray the Rosary as often as possible"

On October 8, addressing a worldwide Marian pilgrimage to Rome, Pope Francis stressed the importance of praying the Rosary, "a summary of the history of God's mercy."

From the Church and the Pope

"God changes the world by transforming our hearts"

Pope Francis' homily on October 2 at the church of the Immaculate in Baku, during his 3 day apostolic trip to Georgia and Azerbaijan.

From the Church and the Pope

"God's name can never be used to justify violence"

On 20 September in Assisi, Pope Francis joined 500 religious leaders to pray for the gift of peace: "Without syncretism or relativism, we have prayed side by side for peace and for one another."

From the Church and the Pope

"Suffering Unleashes Love"

For the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on September 14, here are some excerpts from John Paul II's apostolic letter "Salvifici Doloris" on the deep human and divine meaning of suffering.

From the Church and the Pope

"There is no sin God cannot forgive"

In his September 11 Angelus address, Pope Francis asked: "Have you ever thought about how each time we go to the confessional, there is joy and celebration in heaven?"

From the Church and the Pope

Feast of the Assumption of Mary

A homily given by Pope Francis on August 15, 2013. He urges us to pray the Rosary daily to assist the Church in her "battle against the evil one and his accomplices."

From the Church and the Pope

Fraternity: The Answer to Today's Challenges

In his August 3 general audience, Pope Francis reflected on the recent World Youth Day in Poland and said that "the new generation of young people gave the answer to today's challenges. They gave a sign of hope, called fraternity."

From the Church and the Pope

Pope Francis' Trip to Armenia

From June 24-26, Pope Francis made an apostolic visit to Armenia, which in 301 AD became "the first nation to embrace Christ's gospel," thanks to the missionary work of Saint Gregory the Illuminator.

From the Church and the Pope

Program for World Youth Day in Poland

Scheduled stops include World Youth Day in Krakow, Auschwitz, and Czestochowa during his July 27-31 trip. With link to Message for WYD 2016.

From the Church and the Pope

eBook: Catechesis on the Family (vol. III)

The final volume of Pope Francis' addresses on the family is now available in pdf and epub format.

From the Church and the Pope