Number of articles: 1026

Beloved, Called, Sent Out: A Sense of Mission (With Audio)

"If we let ourselves be led by God’s Love, if we stay attentive to his inspirations and take notice of his small suggestions, the apostolate will become a 'way of life' that configures our own identity."

Fostering Interior Life

To Know Him and To Know Yourself (XIII): One doesn't reason; one looks!

Contemplative prayer develops in us a new way of looking at everything that happens around us, sharing in God’s vision of the world.

Fostering Interior Life

Saint Raphael Meditation: Abandonment to Divine Providence

A meditation (guided prayer) on God's governance of the world and his guiding of it to a good end. It is impossible to trust in God's Providence too much.

Fostering Interior Life

Seven Sorrows and Joys of Saint Joseph

Meditating on the seven sorrows and joys of Saint Joseph is a traditional way in the Church to get to know the Holy Patriarch better.

Fostering Interior Life

For the Feast of the Conversion of St Paul the Apostle (25 January)

A meditation by Fr Brendan O'Connor, for the Feast of the Conversion of St Paul (January 25)

Fostering Interior Life

​Reflections on the Good Samaritan

An article by Ana Marta Gonzalez published in the December 2018 issue of ‘Scripta Theologica’.

Fostering Interior Life

Saint Raphael Meditation: Seeing With Christ's Eyes

A meditation (guided prayer) on the need to purify our sight so that we can see the world and other people as our Lord does.

Fostering Interior Life

What is the Common Good?

In his recent encyclical ‘Fratelli Tutti’, Pope Francis stresses the importance of striving to bring about the "common good." What is the meaning of the "common good," and how can we help further it in the world around us?

Fostering Interior Life

To Know Him and To Know Yourself (XII): Souls of Liturgical Prayer

Saint Josemaria found in the words and actions of the Church's liturgy an abundant source for personal prayer.

Fostering Interior Life

Meditation for Saint Josemaria's Birthday

A meditation by Fr Brian McCarthy, on the anniversary of the birth of Saint Josemaria (January 9)

Fostering Interior Life