Number of articles: 506

Miracle through Bishop Alvaro's intercession: recovery of Jose Ignacio

The Holy See has attributed to the intercession of Bishop Alvaro the recovery of the newborn Jose Ignacio Ureta Wilson after a cardiac arrest lasting longer than half an hour. 8 min video.

Álvaro del Portillo

John Paul II and John XXIII to be canonized; Alvaro del Portillo to be beatified

This morning Pope Francis signed decrees approving miracles obtained through the intercession of Blessed John Paul II and Bishop Alvaro del Portillo, first successor of Saint Josemaría as the head of Opus Dei, and approved the canonization of Blessed John XXIII.


Favors Received Through the Intercession of Eduardo Ortiz de Landazuri

Seeking the intercession of men and women who have died with a reputation for holiness is a common practice in the Catholic Church. Some favors received through the intercession of Eduardo Ortiz de Landazuri.


Prayer for Laura and Eduardo's intercession

Prayer for private devotion.

Laura and Eduardo Ortiz de Landázuri

News about the Cause of Laura and Eduardo Ortiz de Landazuri

On December 11, 1998, after the required preliminary proceedings, the Archbishop of Pamplona opened the Cause of Canonization.


Biographies of Laura and Eduardo Ortiz de Landázuri

Laura Busca Otaegui (called “Laurita” by those who knew her well) was born on November 3, 1912 in Zumárraga, in the Basque region of Spain. Eduardo Ortiz de Landazuri was born in Segovia, Spain, on October 31, 1910.

Life and Stories

News about Toni's Cause

The diocesan process for the collection of documents and witnesses about the Servant of God Toni Zweifel was opened on February 22, 2001, in the presence of the diocesan bishop, Amédée Grab, in Coira, Switzerland.


Favors Received from prayers to Dora del Hoyo

Seeking the intercession of men and women who have died with a reputation for holiness is a common practice in the Catholic Church. Some favors received through the intercession of Dora del Hoyo.


News about Dora's Cause

On June 18, 2012, the Prelate of Opus Dei opened in Rome the Canonization Cause of Dora del Hoyo.


Prayer for Dora del Hoyo's Intercession

Many people all over the world seek Dora's intercession to help them in their daily life. Here you will find her prayer card for private devotion. You can learn more about favors received through Dora's intercession in the "Favors" section.

Dora del Hoyo