Number of articles: 507

After the Ninth Prayer Card

I couldn't get through on a helpline one day, so after several attempts I prayed to Dora to help me. After the ninth prayer card I phoned again and immediately got through.


It Seemed Humanly Impossible

I am writing to report two favors which I received in the last year through the intercession of Dora. Thanks to her, I was able to find and keep the job that I love.


A Vocation to Opus Dei

In a get-together in Bogota in 1983, Blessed Alvaro spoke about the vocation to Opus Dei.


Thank you, Blessed Alvaro

Dozens of personal stories about people from all over the world who attended the events for Alvaro del Portillo's beatification in Madrid and Rome. The 28 min. video can be downloaded in mp4 format in HD or SD from


Download "Thank you, Blessed Alvaro" in mp4 format

The video "Thank you, Blessed Alvaro" can be easily downloaded in mp4 format in HD or SD.


"Increase our faith, hope, and love"

In a get-together in Hong Kong in 1987, Blessed Alvaro speaks about our need for the three theological virtues, which only God can give us.


"Working for the Others"

A new documentary, in Spanish with English subtitles, about social initiatives inspired by Blessed Alvaro in Latin America.

Álvaro del Portillo

Prayer for Blessed Alvaro del Portillo's intercession

This is the prayer to ask God for favors through the intercession of Blessed Alvaro del Portillo. You can download the prayer card, which includes a brief biography, as a pdf or as an audio file.

Álvaro del Portillo

Download 36 min. video with beatification highlights in mp4

The video highlights of Don Alvaro's beatification can be downloaded from this page in mp4 format, either with English subtitles or without subtitles.


800 Photos from the Beatification

Over 800 high definition photos from the events in Madrid and Rome from September 27 to October 2 for the beatification of Alvaro del Portillo.
