Number of articles: 507

Some delicate lenses

After praying to Montse, everything worked out perfectly


Blessed Alvaro del Portillo Newsletter No 6 (2016)

A newsletter about Blessed Alvaro del Portillo’s teachings on divine mercy.


A Very Special Favor

A year-old Peruvian boy who had come to Madrid with his family for Alvaro del Portillo's beatification was struggling between life and death after falling into a swimming pool. The news about Francisco Villa Corta spread rapidly among those attending the beatification.


A Lot of Favors

Here is a short summary of the favors that I have received by praying to Dora del Hoyo. Thank you for all this, Dora - I will continue handing out your prayer card!


Montse Grases Declared Venerable

In a decree dated April 26, Pope Francis authorized that Montse Grases (1941-1959), a young woman of Opus Dei, had practiced the virtues in an heroic degree and could be declared venerable.


News of the Cause for Montse Grases

On April 26, 2016, Pope Francis, after meeting with Cardinal Angelo Amato, prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, authorized the publication of the decree declaring Montse Grases venerable.


It Arrived Just In Time

In my work, we make an order for fruit two days a week. Normally the fruit arrives on Fridays at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. But something unexpected ​came up earlier that week and we ended up being without fruit, and needing to prepare food for 50 people.


Family Traditions: The Annual "Crespillos"

Knowing how to be creative with what one has at home: perhaps this example could serve as inspiration. Every year on the "Friday of Sorrows" (the Friday before Palm Sunday), the mother of Saint Josemaría, Dolores Escrivá, used to prepare a special dessert called "crespillos".​ It was a simple dessert that she ​would only make on that day, and thus the family would look forward to it. The recipe is easy to follow and inexpensive, and makes for a tasty and original dessert for your family.


I Came Across Her Prayer Card

I am very impressed with Dora. About three weeks ago, I came across her prayer card in a chapel and I said to myself, "If I feel like I'm 'in a hole' for how bad I feel, then what could be better than to pray to Dora 'del Hoyo' (Spanish for 'of the hole')." I even started to use her name as a password, to remind myself to pray to her.


Favors received through Fr. Jose Maria's intercession

Some of the many favors that have been received by those who have gone to the intercession of Fr. Jose Maria Hernandez Garnica
