Timeline of Ernesto Cofiño's cause for canonization

On the occasion of the promulgation of the decree on Ernesto Cofiño's heroic virtues, here is a timeline of the main steps in his cause for canonization.

On the occasion of the promulgation of the decree on Ernesto Cofiño’s heroic virtues, here is a timeline of the main steps in his cause for canonization.

5 June 1899. Ernesto Cofiño Ubico is born in Guatemala City. After a specialization in Paris, he returns to his homeland to practice pediatrics.

21 May 1933. He marries Clemencia Samayoa Rubio. Five children are born from their marriage. In 1956, he requests admission to Opus Dei as a supernumerary member.

17 October 1991. The Servant of God passes away in Guatemala City with a reputation of holiness.

23 February 2000. Fr. Juan Izquierdo Brousset is appointed diocesan postulator of the cause before the archdiocesan curia of Guatemala City.

7 July 2000. The Congregation for the Causes of Saints grants the nihil obstat requested by Archbishop Próspero Penados del Barrio of Guatemala City for the diocesan informative stage of the cause.

31 July 2000. Opening of the diocesan informative process on the life, virtues, and reputation of holiness of the Servant of God, in the presence of the Archbishop of Guatemala City. During the process, 45 witnesses are questioned over 58 sessions.

5 April 2001. Closing session of the diocesan process, in the presence of the Archbishop of Guatemala City, at the archbishop's palace.

3 May 2001. Delivery of the records of the diocesan process to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

15 March 2002. The Congregation for the Causes of Saints grants the decree of legal validity of the diocesan process.

10 May 2002. Father Daniel Ols, O.P., is appointed relator in the Congregation, and work begins on the preparation of the Positio.

4 October 2013. After the death of Msgr. Flavio Capucci, the first Roman postulator of the cause, Fr. Miguel de Salis Amaral is appointed.

13 October 2017. Msgr. José Jaime Brosel Gavilá is appointed the new relator, named on 7 February 2014.

February 2021. The Positio super Vita, Virtutibus et Fama Sanctitatis of the Servant of God (771 pages in length) is delivered to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

15 November 2022. Under the direction of the Promoter of the Faith, the commission of theologian consultants of the Dicastery of the Causes of Saints gives a positive response to the question of the Servant of God’s heroic exercise of virtues.

31 December 2022. Fr. Santiago Callejo Goena is appointed the Roman postulator of the cause.

21 November 2023. The ordinary session of cardinals and bishops pronounces in favor of the heroic virtues of Ernesto Cofiño.

14 December 2023. Pope Francis authorizes the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints to promulgate the decree of the heroic virtues of the Servant of God Ernesto Cofiño.