Seven Ways to Get to Know St. Josemaría Better

St. Josemaría was born on 9 January 1902 in Barbastro, Spain. Here are a variety of resources to get to know his life and works better.

1. Free biography of St. Josemaría

“Wanting Jesus Alone to Shine” is an illustrated biography of the founder of Opus Dei. You can download the free ebook from the St. Josemaria Institute or order a paper copy.

2. eScrivaLite: Pray about the Gospel of the day with St. Josemaría

eScrivaLite is a free app combining the Gospel of the day with texts from St. Josemaría. It is available in seven languages.

3. St. Josemaría on social media

Follow the official account on Twitter here.

4. Short videos of St. Josemaría

This page contains a variety of short videos of St. Josemaría in gatherings with people all over the world.

5. Books by the founder of Opus Dei

Many of St. Josemaría’s published works can be found for free on the EscrivaWorks website. The first volume of his published letters was published in English in 2022 and can be ordered from Scepter Publishers.

6. Podcast about the history of Opus Dei

The podcast "Fragments of History," released in 2021, recounts some key events in St. Josemaría's life and the history of Opus Dei.

7. Photo gallery

This Flickr album contains high-quality images from St. Josemaría’s life.

San Josemaría with Isidoro Zorzano, one of the first members of Opus Dei.