A mother and housewife who also works in public relations asks how to live in God's presence.
- Father, I'm a mother and a housewife, but I also work in public relations. My question is: Here in Sao Paulo, where life can be quite frenetic, there's the danger of becoming material-minded.
How can we keep our supernatural outlook amidst all the rush?
- God bless you! What a good choice you've made, to work in public relations.
- Thank you, Father!
- Relate to God, publicly and privately, seek him in your heart.
Look, you can say it much better, because you're... I don't want to pay you compliments, because it would sound like public relations, and you're the expert, and I'm hardly even a beginner.
Turn to your Father God in heaven, tell him that you love him many times a day, and while you're working on public relations here below, keep up the public relations in heaven.
Look, my daughter, tell our Lord, really and truly, from the depths of your soul, what I have to tell him with great shame:
'Lord, I am nothing, I can do nothing, I am worth nothing, I know nothing, I have nothing! I am nothing, and You are everything.'
And then say, 'But you're my Father and fathers love their children.' And when the child is a daughter like you, the fact is that daughters treat their fathers with great daring.
So turn to your Father God in heaven, tell him that you love him, tell him so, lovingly, many times a day, and while you're working on public relations here below, keep up the public relations in heaven. And like that, you won't stray from the paths of Christian living, and you'll sanctify your job and you'll do your work very well. My daughter, you knew all this already, I know. You're already doing it, I can see it in your face.