Number of articles: 5015

Why did the Church make Opus Dei a personal prelature?

Opus Dei

Vatican Declaration on Opus Dei

This is the Vatican document, issued by the Sacred Congregation for Bishops and approved by Pope John Paul II, that explains the fundamental traits of the Prelature of Opus Dei.

Opus Dei

How does one get involved in Opus Dei?

Opus Dei

Conversations with Josemaria Escriva

In the years immediately after Vatican II, interviews with Saint Josemaría appeared in various newspapers and magazines around the world, such as Time, Le Figaro, and The New York Times. In them the founder broached a number of topics, including the mission of the university, the role of women in the church and in society, and the nature and apostolates of Opus Dei


Among the Poor and the Sick

Among the poor, the sick, and the children, he sought the strength needed to set in motion the immense project that God had placed on his shoulders that day. It was a school of suffering where his soul would be tempered to its mission.

Stories from His Life