Number of articles: 4986

Meditations: Tuesday of the Sixth Week of Easter

Some reflections that can assist our prayer during this season of Easter. The topics are: Jesus announces his return to the Father; the gift of understanding; understanding divine and human realities with God’s light.

Fostering Interior Life

Ten Days to Prepare the Feast of the Holy Spirit

We propose a simple decade for young people to prepare for the Feast of the Holy Spirit: say a prayer, read a text by Saint Josemaría and propose a mission (a purpose).

Fostering Interior Life

Meditations: Monday of the Sixth Week of Easter

Some reflections that can assist our prayer during this Easter season.

Fostering Interior Life

Spiritual accompaniment

In his apostolic exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis reminds us of the usefulness of spiritual accompaniment or spiritual direction for the Christian life.

Doctrinal Articles

Meditations: Sunday of the Sixth Week of Easter (Year B)

Some reflections that can assist our prayer during this Easter season. The topics are: loving one another; God never abandons us; guided by the Holy Spirit.

Fostering Interior Life

Meditations: Saturday of the Fifth Week of Easter

Some reflections that can guide our prayer during this season of Easter.

Fostering Interior Life

Meditations: May 3, Saints Philip and James, Apostles

Some reflections that can guide our prayer on the feast of Saints Philip and James.

Fostering Interior Life

Meditations: Friday of the Fifth Week of Easter

Some reflections that can assist our prayer during this season of Easter.

Fostering Interior Life

Young People Increasingly Interested in Spirituality

An international research group presented their findings on youth, values, and religion in Rome last month. The study is being carried out by the “Footprints” research group from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome) and seven other universities around the world.

Social initiatives

Meditations: Thursday of the Fifth Week of Easter

Some reflections that can assist our prayer during this time of Easter.

Fostering Interior Life