Number of articles: 2166

The Prelate of Opus Dei in Barcelona: "May we be sowers of peace and joy"

Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz met with faithful of the Prelature in various encounters during his visit to Barcelona from August 5 to 7. He also visited the Basilica of Our Lady of Mercy, as St. Josemaría did on many occasions. On Sunday, August 7, in the afternoon, the Prelate of Opus Dei returned to Rome.

From the Prelate

"We must face up to our errors and sins"

In his 3 August general audience, Pope Francis reflected on his recent apostolic journey to Canada.

From the Church and the Pope

"Will you hold my hand?"

During the 75th anniversary year of Opus Dei coming to Britain we are posting a number of videos telling stories of lives changed by faith. "Will you hold my hand” is the story of Brenda, a doctor in Kent who met Opus Dei while at university.

Personal testimonies

“A friend’s invitation changed my life”

"My parents and my sister are Evangelicals. I too, for much of my life, was an Evangelical. Until a friend’s invitation changed my life." Elias, a philosophy student in Mexico City, recounts the path of his conversion.

Personal testimonies

July 29: Memorial of Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus

To stress the family spirit of the home in Bethany where Jesus loved to stay, Pope Francis has established the memorial of Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus, replacing the previous memorial of Saint Martha.

Recent News

“Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t!”

In 2009 Gerardo, who is 31-years-old and deaf and blind, traveled the Way of Saint James from Roncesvalles to Compostela on a tandem tricycle. This was the start of a group of volunteers who guide their copilots suffering from various types of limitations on the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.

Social initiatives

Apostolic Journey to Canada

Pope Francis is making an apostolic visit to Canada from 24 to 29 July. With links to all the homilies and addresses.

From the Church and the Pope

Video: Prelate's Pastoral Trip to Northwest Spain

On the last day of his pastoral visit to northwest Spain, the Prelate of Opus Dei celebrated Mass in the Cathedral of Oviedo with Archbishop Jesús Sanz and met with faithful and friends of the Prelature.

From the Prelate

"Nourish this faith"

During the 75th anniversary year of Opus Dei coming to Britain we are posting a number of videos telling stories of lives changed by faith. "Nourish this faith” is the story of Fr Matt, a Welsh parish priest who was helped by Opus Dei to follow his vocation to the priesthood.

Personal testimonies

Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz "What a great eve this world is!"

The Prelate of Opus Dei has been in Barcelona on the occasion of the death of his brother José. He wanted to be close to the widow and the whole family. On Saturday, July 9, he celebrated a funeral Mass in the Oratory of Santa María de Bonaigua.

From the Prelate