Pilgrims who travel to the Saxum Centers in the Holy Land now have a guide book they can make use of to get to know in depth the land Jesus walked. The book “In the Footprints of our Faith,” prepared by Jesus Gil and Eduardo Gil, has twenty five articles on religious, historical and archeological aspects of the main sites in the Holy Land: Nazareth, Ain Karem, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Cana, Capernaum, the Sea of Galilee, Bethany, Emmaus….
The original articles appeared between 2012 and 2013 in Crónica, a monthly publication for faithful of Opus Dei, during the Year of Faith convoked by Benedict XVI and concluded by Pope Francis. These are now offered free of charge, with some changes, thanks to the patronage of the Saxum Foundation.
The articles are written to help readers “put themselves into” the Gospel scenes, as Saint Josemaria advised, and take part personally in each scene there so that God’s word may have a deep impact on each one’s life. Therefore, besides taking advantage of recent historical and archeological research, the authors have also cited the testimonies of Fathers of the Church, who have handed down Tradition to us; the Magisterium and Liturgy of the Church; and of course, the teachings of the founder of Opus Dei and his successors.
Saint Josemaria always hoped to be able to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and to see begun there various apostolic initiatives in the service of the Church. However, owing to various circumstances, these desires of his were never fulfilled. His successor at the head of Opus Dei, Blessed Alvaro del Portillo, was able to see them become a reality, when he had the opportunity to visit the Holy Land from March 14 to 22 in 1994. The day after returning to Rome, early on the 23rd, God called him into his presence, after celebrating Holy Mass for the last time in the church of the Cenacle in Jerusalem.
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In the Footprints of our Faith (download chapters)
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