Number of articles: 4597

Lawyer, Wife and Mother

Begoña couldn’t understand why God had allowed her brother to fall into a coma. After undergoing a conversion in her own life, she brought her new-found faith and happiness to many other people.

Personal testimonies

“Jesus and his disciples”

How does Jesus approach us? Our Lord approaches us as he did his disciples: with affection, with naturalness, with patience in the face of our mistakes (0:59).

Pray with Saint Josemaría

St. Paul and Christ’s Divinity

Prof. Bob Gahl speaks about St. Paul’s deep conviction that Christ is the Son of God, the Lord and Messiah. A new video for the Pauline Year (01’46’’).

Christian Life

Birds of a Feather

The need for a buddy system among many siblings provided the motto for this Spanish family. An interview with Rosa Pich, mother of 15.

Personal testimonies

Holy Week: 8 meditations by the Prelate (recorded in Spanish) - Miércoles santo.

Miércoles santo.

From the Prelate

Holy Week: 8 meditations by the Prelate (recorded in Spanish) - Martes santo.

Martes santo.

From the Prelate

Holy Week: 8 meditations by the Prelate (recorded in Spanish) - Jueves santo.

Jueves santo.

From the Prelate

Holy Week: 8 meditations by the Prelate (recorded in Spanish) - Domingo de Resurrección.

Domingo de Resurrección.

From the Prelate

Holy Week: 8 meditations by the Prelate (recorded in Spanish) - Sábado santo.

Sábado santo.

From the Prelate

Holy Week: 8 meditations by the Prelate (recorded in Spanish) - Lunes santo.

Lunes santo.

From the Prelate